Vital Health Radio is a weekly one hour radio talk show, hosted by Ed Jones (owner of Nutrition World, Chattanooga) and Dr. Christopher Greene (Board Certifed M.D. – CHI Memorial Georgia).

News For Your Health

Vital Health Radio is a radio show that provides practical health-related news and information in a comforting, convenient and easy to understand. Discussions about cutting edge trends and topics in health, wellness, lifestyle, and fitness. Vital Health Radio is designed to help educate, and empower people to make better decisions regarding the direction they choose to improve their lifestyle, and well- being for everyday living.

Different Shows Every Week

Along with the regular hosts, guests on “Vital Health Radio” bring new hope through presenting new methods of treatment from all worlds of medical management and lifestyle modifications. We’ll also reveal secrets of food technology, foods to avoid, foods to enjoy, proper food combinations for maximum energy, exciting secrets for permanent weight management and so much more!